Broadband or Leased Lines
The key differences between Broadband and Leased lines come down to a number of factors. We have created a guide to show you the differences between these two technologies. When looking at these technologies, Leased Lines or Ultrafast Broadband (FTTP). Both are different and we will explain the differences between them.
Ultrafast Broadband
- High Bandwidth: Speeds of up to 1Gbps.
- Quick & Easy to Order: FTTP must be available at your postcode.
- Growing Network: FTTP is not currently available to everyone but availability is rapidly increasing across both Openreach networks. Its available to around 52% of the Openreach database.
- Greater Reliability: Lower latency and less prone to faults compared to copper based broadband.
- Shared Technology: FTTP uses shared broadband technology to give users a fast, reliable and affordable connection.
Leased Lines
Dedicated Ethernet Access
- Dedicated Service: Technology exclusive to the user, resulting in minimal contention and no compromise on speeds.
- Guaranteed Symmetrical Throughput: Same speeds up and down, 24/7.
- Better SLAs: Designed for enterprises, Leased Lines from us offer a leading service level guarantees for minimal disruption.
- High Availability: Ethernet is available nationwide.
- Higher Bandwidths Available: Bandwidths from 100Mb up to 10Gb.
- Business-Grade CPE: Leading Cisco hardware available or for managed or wires-only services.
Broadband is wholly dependant on your postcode, as it comes down to what speeds you can get with the postcode of your business.
Leased Lines don’t have this restriction as the leased line will be installed to your business, however this may come a cost.
Monthly Costs
Leased Lines are typically more expensive that Broadband, they are tied into a fixed term, 12, 36 or 60 months. A typical Leased Line will cost around £250.00 Per month (100Mb/Sec) where as a Ultrafast Fibre will cost around £49.99 (1000Mb/Sec)
Leased lines offer speeds of up to 10Gbps (10,000 Mb/Sec) throughout most of the UK. Maximum broadband speeds are far lower – up to a maximum of 1000Gb/Sec
Guaranteed Symmetrical Throughput
Leased line connections have identical connection speeds upstream and downstream. Broadband connections have different speeds – with the upstream connection speed being far lower than the downstream speed – this is usually OK but for large sites using a lot of upstream bandwith (i.e. VoIP phones), this may cause issues.
Dedicated Bandwidth For Leased Lines
If you get a leased line, you’re paying for a dedicated connection that goes all the way from your business to your ISP’s core network. The bandwidth is reserved for you 24/7 and if you’re not using it nobody else is.
Broadband is almost always contended. Business accounts are usually 20:1 and home user accounts are usually 50:1.
There may be a dedicated line from your site to the nearest street cabinet (for FTTC broadband) or to the nearest telephone exchange (ADSL), but once your data hits that point you have to share the available backhaul bandwidth with other broadband subscribers. This means your throughput may be reduced at times when lots of other customers are trying to actively use their connections.