Design or upgrade your web site
Web Design
Web Design
Aries have been designing Web Sites for a long time. Our client base ranges from hotels to schools. Whether you require a database driven e-commerce site, or a simple brochure type website, we can help. We provide a high quality service at very competitive rates. We all expect to see businesses offer the convenience of a web site, yet many sites will leave their visitors feeling very disappointed, as they are badly designed or simply outdated. A successful Internet presence can boost sales and profits just as a badly designed web site will drive potential customers straight to your competitors.
We specialise in providing a professional website design service, from concept planning through to ongoing maintenance and support. Our website design service is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also search engine and browser friendly. Once a site is completed we offer marketing packages to promote and maintain search engine positions, placing our clients sites at the top of search engine rankings.
When we create new web sites, we develop, design & build a product that will promote your company online with the benefits of interactive business. We take into account accessibility and usability issues, we also make sure that it is search engine ready, using site optimisation techniques to make sure that you receive quality traffic – visitors looking at your site that you can convert into qualified sales leads.

We design and code our sites to meet all of the specifications and guidelines set out by the World Wide Web Consortium – www.w3.org. This means writing the code (or markup) for your website in XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) and using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to apply styles.
Web Sites Renovation
If your current website doesn’t hit the mark or if your website just doesn’t seem to bring you any sales, we can renovate it. Often all that is required is a simple makeover, but sometimes it’s better to start from scratch and do with a whole new concept. If your site is not performing as you like, contact us to find out how we can provide the site you really need.
Website Design Standard & CSS Validation
Validating your website is the only real way to make sure it displays the way it should across different devices and browsers. Whether you are building your organisations web site yourself or you are using a team of web designers to do it for you it is important that the web pages which are built validate.
What is validation?
Why is it important and how do you check for it?
If your website is not standards compliant you have already started with a handicap. If your website is not search engine friendly so any Search Engine Optimisation efforts are already hampered.
Domain Name Registration.
You can register your domain name directly through Aries Networks.
We can help you secure your online presence by registering domains relevant to your business. By registering multiple names relevant to your business we are increasing your product or service exposure on the Internet.